Charolette sent me an email in May, and in it she told me about her fiancé Chuck. She told me about their first date and how, instead of going to a baseball game as planned, Chuck sat with her as she recovered from appendicitis. Un-showered and post-sugery swollen and grumpy, Charolette was certain Chuck was seeing her at her worst. As he kissed her goodnight she knew that he was her forever. In that instant, Charolette knew that Chuck would never give up.
That same day I got an email from Chuck telling me about Charolette. He described his love for her and he told me about how, even after seven years of ups and downs and in-betweens, her smile still gives him knots. And he told me how he would be blissfully happy spending the rest of his life doing anything he could to make this beautiful girl smile.
As I read those emails I fell in love with both of them. I knew that I was put on this earth to tell their story — to be a part of their story. So it was an honor – a blessing and a pleasure and a someone-pinch-me-please-because-how-did-I-ever-get-so-lucky-to-do-this-for-a-living – to dance the night away with them. To laugh with them. To shiver on a beach with them, tears streaming, as they promised to never give up.
This is a small preview of their incredible Door County wedding day:

To all of Charolette and Chuck’s friends and family: Thank you. For inviting me into this story so completely. To Charolette and Chuck: I fear the only thing I could possibly say to sum up this day and how I feel about the two of you is this: Shoop.
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