I spent a few hours with a dear friend of mine on Sunday. She came over for dinner, along with her husband and their two darling daughters, and we started discussing how quickly childhood goes, and how badly we want to remember all the little bits that seem to get lost in the clutter that is life. She keeps a blog to remember these things – for posterity or blackmail or graduation party slideshows and wedding toasts – and she mentioned that every month she writes down all the things she doesn’t want to forget. The little things that are big things when they happen. Minutia. Celebrations. Hard days. Good days. Smiles and tears. Any and all of it. I liked the idea so much I’ve decided to steal it. I used to be a mom blogger. I used to keep better track of my memories. These girls are growing like...
time was not passing, it was turning in a circle | morning coffee
I have this friend, and she lives too far away, you see. It’s only a few hours, but with life and work and spouses and family time fills quickly, and the spaces left for each other are few, as it is with most things these days. But her and I, she and me, when we do find the time to connect it’s real. It’s whole and wonderful and complete. And it’s as if time really is simply turning in a circle. Friendships like this are rare, and space that can be filled with easy quiet or raucous laughter interchangeably, is even more so. I could sit forever in silence with this gem of a lady and still feel as though I’ve shared my soul (though I thoroughly enjoy our conversation, and the laugh-until-your-face-hurts-and-your-muscles-give-out humor that comes with it). I wholeheartedly treasure her presence in my life, and every single fleeting...
changing stories | a giveaway!
I’m a storyteller at heart, a writer through and through, and I think that my affinity for allegory is present in nearly every creative endeavor I embark upon. My photography certainly, my blogging, obviously, but my fashion, well, probably not. So I was enthralled and enchanted when I stumbled upon a company that allowed story to play a role in my (mildly obsessive) love for fashion as well. Id’ like to introduce you to Story Company (and my five minutes in the modeling industry!) Story company, like most things that start small, and with ample heart, had humble beginnings. Started after a trip to Africa, the company aimed to present women with opportunities otherwise not available to them. Women who live in extreme poverty and have no access to the global marketplace. Women – artisans, creators, weavers, potters, bead workers – who create amazing art. Through the sale of their handmade items,...
light leaks | colorado on film
While I was off in Colorado having my mind blown and life changed, I shot a few rolls of film. I planned to shoot a roll of landscapes, and double expose it with portraits of the new friends I made, but like all good plans involving a first timer who is also a complete idiot – I failed. I accidentally rewound the film all the way and was unable to double expose it. I also accidentally opened my camera in the middle of a roll and ended up with some of the most fantastic light leaks ever. A mistake I plan to repeat. With deliberate and utter intention. But I digress. I love film – I’m mildly obsessed with it in fact – and if I had a constant stream of hyper disposable income I’d likely shoot a whole lot more of it. I like not having to edit. I...