Twelve months (and two days) have passed since Stella’s last birthday, and this year has changed her in such remarkable ways. She is growing into a strong-willed, inquisitive, noisy and cuddly and boisterous and introspective little girl. Three years. It’s been three years since she was born and forever changed my life – and my holiday season. This girl…she’s perfect. She makes me want to pull my hair out and scream while at the same time wanting to scoop her up and snuggle her into infinity. It’s been a blessing being her mom, and I am so honored to watch her grow. Even if it is all too quickly.
To Stella, so as to remember exactly right now:
The last three years have been some of the best of my life. You are an amazing child. My world would not be the same without you (or your will and zest for life) in it. You are teaching me patience, and kindness. You’ve taught me that no matter how many fun songs we make up together, we can always make up another one, and sing it even louder. You love Doc McStuffins and My Little Ponies and are terrified of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” though you love to sit and watch it. You miss Mexico and ask to go there often (along with your big sister) and can never spend enough time at Grammy’s house. You’re a brut, and a snuggler, and you love taking baths and making cookies in your oven. You wake up every night and sneak into mommy’s room, and though I tell you I wish you could sleep in your own bed, I really do love that I get to cuddle every single night. For I fear that all too soon you’ll be grown up and these moments will be few and far between. I’m stockpiling them while I still can.
As you embark on your fourth year of life, I beg you to stay small. To never lose your sense of wonder, or your excitement at the promise of a nice, long bath. I encourage you to continue to learn and explore and grow, but please slow down. Literally. You keep tripping and breaking your glasses. It’s really quite frustrating for Mom and Dad. I hope you continue to sing and dance and laugh and smile. Because your laugh, my darling girl, is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. And your smile….it’s lights up my world.

Merry Christmas little bird. And happy third birthday. Momma loves you.
So very much.
Whitney and Greg
This is beautiful.
Selah V
Stella is such a beautiful little girl —– I love the photos, precious!
My cup runneth over. I love you baby girl. Happy #3
Jenn Sullivan
I am in love with this & Stella is so amazingly adorable! :) I need to make a post about Liam too. Love our little December babies.