Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. Thousands of images. Three hundred sixty five days. Dozens of Stories. Fifty Two weeks. Fourteen weddings. Twelve months. Eight states. One year. Holy shit it’s been a whirlwind year. They say (whoever “they” are) that you should do something every day that scares you – so today that thing is going to be talking about my accomplishments. I’m terrible at self-promotion but I’m going to give it an honest-to-goodness go. Gulp. In August I hosted my first workshop, Write Your Life, and am working on launching my second. Three days later I lost my corporate job and was catapulted head first into legitimate, scary-as-f*ck, self-employment, though it is a position I should have chosen for myself ages ago. This fall I was asked to hand letter a magazine cover for Minnesota Monthly and the beautiful Lucia at Utterly Engaged tasked me with writing an...
love is autumn colors and flower crowns and puppy kisses and canoes. love is first wedding anniversaries spent in the wild. love is danielle + terry.
Danielle + Terry were married in the woods on a perfect summer-fading-into-fall day just over a year ago. Their wedding day was ripe with emotion and joy and laughter and beer and dancing and hot summer sun. On that beautiful September day we knew that we’d be getting together once more, Terry + Danielle in their wedding attire and I with my camera. We just didn’t know when. Autumn faded into winter, and winter into another perfect wedding season for me, and a wonderful season of newly-wedded busy-ness and bliss for the Biercaps. Suddenly their anniversary was upon us, already the leaves were beginning to settle into their harvest glow before falling softly to a snow-ready ground, the air turning cooler, denser, the breeze blowing the seasons over with a damp heaviness. It was time. We met along the bluffs of the St. Croix River, one of my most favorite places in the...
remembering a perfectly wonderful year | the best of 2014
It’s that time of year again — time for me to reflect on all that’s happened over the past twelve months. I’ve been dreading this post, actually. Which probably seems odd. But it means that this year is over. That it’s gone, folded into the pages of memory, and I’m not quite ready to let it go just yet. It was incredibly perfect. Everything I’ve been dreaming of since I launched this humble endeavor, and decided, once and for all to chase headlong into the chasm of dreaming-so-big-it’s-scary. This year has been – has meant – everything. But much to my chagrin, and despite my resistance, the year is coming to a close. So it’s time to savor each and every moment I was able to spend with all of you. A walk down the aisle. A new baby. Friendship. Family. Joy. Your stories are my why, and every single time...
sunday morning rituals | the adobo fam
A few weekends ago I traveled to San Jose to document the beautiful women behind Imago Fitness and finally met Joanne in real life. We’ve been internet friends for a couple of years, but become close after she inspired me to finally believe in myself enough to embark on my own fitness journey. Joanne + her husband Jonathan happen to be phenomenal photographers, and the kind of people who steal themselves quietly into your life, slowly filling the cracks you didn’t know existed, and then burst out, effervescent and overflowing with joy. They are kind and beautiful and generous and a million other adjectives that feel trite when I roll them around in my mouth, feeling their weight on my tongue. These are the kind of people for whom words are simply not enough. While I was staying with them, Joanne mentioned that weekend mornings have become a sort of ritual...