It took Megan and Anthony seven years to walk down the aisle. Seven years to fall so deeply in love that everyone around them can feel it. Seven years to let it build and grow and become this massive thing – this aura of love and light and joy that emanates throughout them and in and around everything that they do. During her toast, Megan told us that it was the perfect amount of time -not too short, not too long – for her and Anthony to become exactly who they needed to be to get to this point. And in that moment, the room filled to overflowing and the tears could be held back no longer. It’s obvious when you’re with these two how exactly right they are for the other. How peaceful and easy the love flows between them. It was such a joy to be a part of their wedding day. Surrounded by friends and family and so. much. happiness, it truly was one of the most fun (and tear-filled) wedding days. Ever.

Just as I remembered it. Just as I hoped everyone else remembered it. Loved how the field photos turned out. Love the one where they’re on the road together. Had so much fun! Thanks for being my partner in crime!
shoop, shoop ba doop, shoop ba doop.
beautiful lovely.
but oh that poor pig. :(
Beautiful. The barn pics remind me of Footloose!
Uh huh…Like always…so solid. Pipe it Tahni! Remember that delicious pig from TX!?